Mayhew Tools 20-Piece Inspection Tool Display (1 EA / EA) Specifications
Includes:(2) 17800-PM01; (2) 17845-PMG03; (2) 17810-PMG01; (2) 17830-PMG02; (2) 17755-MR02; (2) 17150-SSMR01; (2) 17770-MGMR01; (2) 17750-MR01; (2) 17765-MR04; (1) Display
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Inspection mirrors are used to view or magnify hard-to- see places
Pick up tools are used to pick up hard-to-reach items through magnetic or mechanical means
Made in the USA
Pick up tools are used to pick up hard-to-reach items through magnetic or mechanical means
Made in the USA