Stanley IntelliMeasure Distance Estimators, 3 Functions, 40 ft Range (2 EA / BX) Specifications
Accuracy:±0.5 %
Display Type:LCD
Function:Area; Length; Volume
Length [Nom]:5 1/2 in
Measurement Type:Feet; Meters; Yards
Number of Functions:3
Power Source:(1) 9V Battery
Range [Max]:40 ft
Range [Min]:2 ft
Type:Distance Estimator
Help us improve our product information
Ultrasonic distance estimator measures distances up to 40 feet
High-impact ABS housing
Automatic shut-off for longer battery life
Allows one person to measure up to 40 ft without assistance
Intuitively designed toggle button features three measuring modes: length, area, and volume
High-impact ABS housing
Automatic shut-off for longer battery life
Allows one person to measure up to 40 ft without assistance
Intuitively designed toggle button features three measuring modes: length, area, and volume